Nikoletta Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis (Ph.D.) is Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Greek Language at the Pre – School Education Department of the University of Ioannina in Greece. She has taught language, mass media and journalistic discourse in several Greek universities. More than 70 issues and papers of her have been published in refereed journals and conference proceedings in Greece, Europe and United States. She is the author of 12 scientific and literary books. Recent scientific books of her are used as textbooks in University departments of Ioannina, Athens and Thessaly. She is associate editor of international linguistic journal in USA and reviewer in several international journals.
She has been till now academic coordinator of three major programs of Greek Language teaching in the International Cultural Center “Stavros Niarchos” in Ioannina. She is awarded by the International Union of Writers and Artists, municipalities, humanitarian and cultural associations. Besides, she is the resipient of the 2013 “Untested Ideas Outstanding Research Scholar Award” and “Untested Ideas Outstanding Journal Reviewer Award”.
She excelled after evaluation as “2014 Ioannina Fellow” in the Harvard-Olympia Program – Comparative Cultures Seminar, Center for Hellenic Studies of Harvard University. President of Global Academic Affairs of Euro – American Women’s Council (EAWC). She is the Academic Director of the 3 Summer Universities “Greek Language, Civilization and Media”. The last one this year was held under the auspices of His Excellency The President of Hellenic Democracy Prokopios Pavlopoulos.
She has worked for many years as a journalist for major newspapers in Greece and managed regional television and radio media. She is an active member of Association of European Journalists (AEJ). She is married with Mr. George Mallidis and have two children.
- 1984-1988: Studying at the Literature Department of the Philosophy Faculty, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- 1984: Scholar of the State Scholarships Foundation, getting the best grade in the Pan-Hellenic exams, for entering the Philosophy Faculty of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.
- 1987: Graduation from the Free Social and Philosophical Studies Center in Thessaloniki, having attended a 3-year course of Journalism studies, simultaneously with the University studies (Grade: 9.2/10)
- 1988: Graduation from the Philosophy Faculty, with a specialization in Linguistics (Diploma grade: 7.903/10)
- 1984: Scholar of the State Scholarships Foundation, getting the best grade in the Pan-Hellenic exams, for entering the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- 2002: Assigned to write a PhD dissertation, with topic: “The use of Modern Greek Language and journalistic language – Nature, functions and educational significance of the modern TV journalistic language”, belonging to the cognitive area of Applied Linguistics. The dissertation was written at the same time I was working as an educator-Greek master, without taking time off – for educational reasons – by the Ministry of Education.
- 2005: Successful presentation of the PhD dissertation. PhD Diploma from the Primary Education Department of University of Thessaly (Grade: “Excellent”).
- Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. (2006). The popular language of news – An attitude of deceptive intimacy. Athens: Empiria Ekdotiki.
- Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. (2008). Topic and victim – Language, Education and Mass Media. Athens: Empiria Ekdotiki.
- Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. 2011). Mass media language in school – A linguistic approach to the (pre) school educational process. Foreword: Athanasios Nakas. Athens: Livanis Publications.
- 4. Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. (2011). The language of authority in the days of the Memorandum. Foreword: Georgios Ploumidis. Athens: K.M.Zaharakis Publications.
5. Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2011). “Language and negotiation of identities inside the classroom”. Studies about Greek Language. Records of the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Division of the Philology Department, in the Philosophy School of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, April 16th – 18th, 2010. Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Modern Greek Studies Institute [Manolis Triantafyllidis Foundation], v.31, p. 508-518.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N., Lugouras A. & Sakatzis, D. (2011) “The observed changes in the symbolisms of the demotic after 1976”. Under judgment publication, for the electronic version of the Records of the Pan-Hellenic Scientific – Anniversary Conference: “1976-2011: 35 years since the Language-educational Reform”. Language and Language Teaching Programs Lab, West Macedonia University, Department of Early Childhood Education in the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Applied Linguistics and Teaching of the Modern Greek Language, in cooperation with the Greek Language Center and the Greek Studies Institute [Manolis Triantafyllidis Foundation]. Dion Pierias, November 4th – 6th.
- Lygouras, A., Sakatzis, D. & Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2011). “Educational demoticism as a means of radical reform of the educational system and universal social regeneration in Greece of urban modernization and interwar”. Under judgment publication, for the electronic version of the Records of the Pan-Hellenic Scientific – Anniversary Conference: “1976-2011: 35 years since the Language-educational Reform”. Language and Language Teaching Programs Lab, West Macedonia University, Department of Early Childhood Education in the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Applied Linguistics and Teaching of the Modern Greek Language, in cooperation with the Greek Language Center and the Greek Studies Institute [Manolis Triantafyllidis Foundation]. Dion Pierias, November 4th – 6th.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2011). “The inclusion of high orality in the term of ‘virtual propitiousness’”. Records of the 8th Conference titled “Greek Language and Terminology” – Dedicated to Manolis Triantafyllidis. Greek Terminology Society, in cooperation with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, University of Cyprus, the Technical Chamber of Greece and the Organization for the Dissemination of the Greek Language, under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs. Athens, November 10th – 12th, p. 382-391. Moreover on the English webpage of the electronic Records of the Conference, Papers Presented during the Conferences “Hellenic Language and Terminology” – Papers of the 8th Conference. http://www.eleto.gr/en/papers.htm. Retrieved on April 4th, 2012.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N., Lygouras, A., & Sakatzis, D. (2012). Greek language exercises in camp: The case of the summer language program for scouts in Kalipefki Olympus”. In the electronic version of the Records of the 8th Pan-Hellenic Conference “Greek Pedagogy and Educational Research”. Greek Pedagogy Society, Teaching and School Pedagogy Lab of the Department of Primary Education, School of Education, University of Ioannina. Ioannina, November 2nd – 4th (under suspension). The relative certification is filed.
- Lygouras, A., Sakatzis, D., & Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2012) “Immigration and educational policy. A critical assessment of the ethnocentrism and assimilation concepts, on the axis of language and society”. In the electronic version of the Records of the 8th Pan-Hellenic Conference “Greek Pedagogy and Educational Research”. Greek Pedagogy Society, Teaching and School Pedagogy Lab of the Department of Primary Education, School of Education, University of Ioannina. Ioannina, November 2nd – 4th (under suspension). The relative certification is filed.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. & Lalos, P. (2012). “ The experiential relationship with the local ‘voice’ – The case of popular translator of “Plutus” by Aristophanes in the folk speech of Xirokrana”. Under judgment introduction for the electronic version of the Linguistic Conference “4th Tzartzania: “Geographical and social language variations of Modern Greek and their presence in education”. University of Thessaly, Study, Teaching and Assemination of the Greek Language Lab, Periphery of Thessaly, Philologists of Larissa Association, Tirnavos, Emmanuilio Cultural Center, December 7th – 9th.
- Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. (2012) (ed.). Pain management in the public sphere – From infancy to adulthood. Collaborative work editing. Athens: Propompos.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2012). “Indignants’ slogans: Linguistic realizations and ideological framework”. Modern Education, Language and Literature in times of crisis, “Modern Education” Quarterly review on educational research. Athens: Patakis Publications, v.143, p. 47-64.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2012). “Linguistic representations of the economic crisis in the Greek advertising language – Typical current representations of toddlers and children”. In the Scientific Yearbook of the Department of Early Childhood, School of Education, University of Ioannina – Journal of Research in Education and Training. University of Ioannina Publications (on line). Volume V’.
- Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. (2012). “Concerns and suggestions for growing an interdisciplinary approach to childhood, based on an axis of language and society”. Records of the 3rd International Conference Pre-School Education “Research in childhood: Defining a new research field”. Department of Pre-School Education of University of Ioannina, “Kindheit Gesellschaften” der Bergischen Universitat Wuppertal, Ginduierten Kolleg “Kindheit Im Spanunngsfeld der Moderne” Hans Bockler – Stiftung, Universitaten Wuppertal und Kussel and the journal “Educational Theory and Practice”. Conference center “Karolos Papoulias”, University of Ioannina, May 11th-13th. The relevant certification is filed.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2012). “Interdisciplinary approach to fairytale, during the course of Language, by students of the second grade of a primary school – Case study”. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Conference for Applied Liguistics “Interdisciplinary approaches to language teaching”. Greek Society of Applied Linguistics. Thessaloniki, November 23rd – 25nd, 2012.
- Stergioulis, Ch. & Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2013). “Rhetorical texts of the 4th century A.D. about wealth and its loss”. International Scientific Conference, titled «Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World”. Sector of Philosophy of University of Ioannina in Corporation with Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (CRVP) of Catholic University of America. University Campus of Dourouti, Ioannina, July 28th-30th. Book of Abstracts. University of Ioannina, Sector of Philosophy, pp. 11-112.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2013). “Toddler inquiry expressions and behaviors: Characteristics of early linguistic development as demonstrated in the kindergarten classroom”. In Francine Edwards (ed.) Empirical Communication Research – Letting the data speak for themselves (ISBN: 978-1-62520-002-0). Untested Ideas Research Center, 1st Untested Ideas International Research Conference, Niagara Falls, June 29-30, 42-66.
- Qiu, A., Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. & Thanos, Th. (2013). “A content analysis of local newscasts: The cognitive transformation theory perspective”. Στο Francine Edwards (ed.) Empirical Communication Research – Letting the data speak for themselves (ISBN: 978-1-62520-002-0). Untested Ideas Research Center, 1st Untested Ideas International Research Conference, Niagara Falls, June 29th-30th, pp.3-17.
- Sakatzis, D., Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, Ν., Lygoura, A. & Mallidis, Α. (2013). “‘Beware of foreigners’, or when the language of a scenario leads to a Greek-Albanian student collaboration – Case study”. 2nd International Scientific Conference, titled “Dialogue between Balkan languages and cultures”. University of Tirana, Department of Slavic Studies and Balkna Languages, Foreign Languages Faculty. University of Ioannina. Tirana, September 20th-21st.
- Sypsas, A. Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N., Dromantiene, L. & Pange, J. (2013). “The role of the media in the enhancement of the environmental awareness”. Proceedings of the Conference: “Innovative Practices in Biotourism – New Dimensions for Development”. Consortium Biopolitics International Organisation (BIO), Biologists of Albania Organisation (ALB), Erymanthos (GR), Cultural Triangle of Prespa (GR), Regional Council of Korçë (ALB). Conference Center of Pyli, Prespa, October 5th-7th, pp. 66-72.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2013) “Linguistic representations of questioning of the educational process in the modern Kindergarten and utilization in the teaching of the Greek language”. In Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (ed.) Modern Greek Language in modern primary education: current challenges and perspectives. Athens: Gutenberg, pp.120-168
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, Ν. (2013). “The Greek Language in the internet: Case study regarding a language column in an information website”. In the Educational Volume dedicated to N. Mitsis. Greek Language Study, Teaching and Spreading Lab, University of Thessaly, Department of Primary Education, Volos (in press).
- Verdis, Ath., Tsitsanoudis, Ν., Mallidis, Α. (2013). “Narrations of children in school regarding delinquency – Three case studies” in I. Kourkoutas & TH. Thanos (ed.) School violence and delinquency. Psychological, sociological and pedagogic approaches and interventions, Athens: Topos, pp. 369-389.
- 25. Tsitsanoudis, N., Ligoura, An., Sakatzis, D., Mallidis, A. (2013). “The language conflict in Greece during the German occupation. A research and historical approach” In Huang, J. and Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (eds.) (2013). Empirical Language Research – Letting the data speak for themselves”. New York: Untested Ideas Research Center, 73-100.
- 26. Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, Ν. (2013). “Characteristics of public discourse in depictions of the economic crisis in Greece”. Glossologia, Annual Greek magazine of General and Historical Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Athens, v.21, 39-55. It was accessed from www.glossologia.phil.uoa.gr on August 29th, 2013.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2013) “Modern language uses of the referential adverb ‘where’ by adults and toddlers: The ‘mistakes’ of today, ‘rule’ of tomorrow?” Scientific Yearbook of the Department of Early Childhood, School of Education, University of Ioannina – Journal of Research in Education and Training. University of Ioannina Publications (on line). Volume VI (in progress).
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, Ν., Papadopoulou, Sm. & Chatzimanoli, Α. (2013). “Imaginative stories with fairytale language at the service of the media literacy – Case study”. In the electronic records of the Pan-Hellenic Conference, titled “Critical Literacy in school practice”. Language and Language Teaching Programs Lab, Department of Pre-School Education, University of West Macedonia, Department of Preschool Education and Training Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Primary Education Department, Frederick University of Cyprus. Drama, November 1st-3rd.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, Ν.& Papadopoulou, Sm. (2013). “The revelation of the ‘high virtual propitiousness attitude’ as a tool for the deepening of critical literacy into school routine”. In the electronic records of the Pan-Hellenic Conference, titled “Critical Literacy in school practice”. Language and Language Teaching Programs Lab, Department of Pre-School Education, University of West Macedonia, Department of Preschool Education and Training Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Primary Education Department, Frederick University of Cyprus. Drama, November 1st-3rd.
- Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. (2013). Language and Greek crisis. An analysis of form and content. New York: Untested Ideas Recearch Center.
- Tsitsanoudis-Mallidis, N. (ed.) (2013). Modern Greek language in current (primary) school education: Current challenges and prospects. Athens: Gutenberg.
- Huang, J. & Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2013) (eds.) Empirical Language Research. Letting the Date Speak for Themselves. New York: Untested Ideas Recearch Center.
- Tsitsanoudis – Mallidis, N. (2014) (ed.) Greek Language in Children’s Society. New York: Untested Ideas Recearch Center (under press).