Ms. Daisy Gallagher, AMA, CPM, CHT – Chairman, Chief Strategy Officer, Senior Executive Advisor,
Gallagher & Gallagher Worldwide, Inc., Washington DC, Pennsylvania, New York, Co-Founder SUSTAP LLC, Board Advisor DC Archangels Investors Group,
EAWC Global Executive Board Officer, Ambassador at Large

Professor Robert Gallagher
Executive Chairman, WGES Council
Earning more than 100 industry awards and recognitions and with more than twenty-five consecutive years in an esteemed career, Gallagher is a much sought after chief strategist and senior advisor. She serves as founder and chairman of an international award winning firm, she founded in 1990, as chief strategist for a premier world green energy program, board advisor for several enterprises, brand architect for award winning sustainable and economic programs, and contractor in the federal space for military and civilian agencies. Overall, past performance includes; support of multi-billion dollar enterprises, high level and sensitive public affairs and integrated marketing support for major industries & agencies, and for more than two decades, she has overseen and provided contractual support for more than 22 U.S. federal civilian & military agencies; including, the U. S. Department of Army, Department of Navy, National Institute of Health, State Department, Department of Commerce, Department of Health & Human Services, General Services Administration, Veteran’s Administration and The White House. She is the co-founder of the Thought Leadership Executive Level Think Tank hosted by the Federal Council of Executives and Global Executives, the executive advisor of the WIST Summit, executive advisor on the “World Green Energy Symposium” as well as other national and global public education initiatives, public affairs and strategic brand initiatives. In Washington DC she was appointed to – and served on – the United States General Services Administration Industry Government Council Steering Committee and Industry Government Council. She served on the Small Business Advisory Committee – under President Clinton and Bush. Ms. Gallagher serves as Chief Global Strategy & Sustainable Officer for industry clientele & executive advisor in the federal arena on Government initiatives. Her expansive career spans close to three decades, starting with more than a decade, corporate experience at the Manhattan headquarters of an International Fortune 100 Corporation, where she became the firm’s youngest woman to hold a management position. In 1990, founded the international multi-award winning strategic integrated marketing firm Gallagher & Gallagher Worldwide, Inc. named by the Business Journal as one of the top ten agencies in the Northeast and currently serves as its Chairman. Integrated marketing programs and strategies have been implemented by Ms. Gallagher and Gallagher & Gallagher Worldwide, Inc. for a variety of clientele including;
(Internationally) developed strategic plan for South Korea International Trade Showcase working for Ministry of Trade; Tourism International Branding Program support, developed outreach program for Ambassadors and presented at United Nations developed the Brand and Social Economic Justification (SEJ) for a $100 million dollar technology. (Corporate) accounts including; Sanofi Pasteur, SIEMENS, Johnson Controls, Sanofi Pasteur, DOW, SAIC, Lockheed Martin, IBM, among them. Ms Gallagher serves as Executive Board Advisor to International Sustainable Company with presence in the Pacific Rim, (Prime Contractors) working with and alongside the largest prime contractors in the U.S. Federal space; such as, SAIC, Lockheed Martin, IBM, PEARSON and others, Ms. Gallagher and her firm develop and implement strategic campaigns for major industries such as; Pharma, healthcare, technology, innovation/manufacturing, construction, security, and military.
(Local Government) Ms. Gallagher works hand in hand with local, state and federal government top officials including District of Columbia, Philadelphia, New York City & New York State and the White House Executive Office on sustainable initiatives and developed award winning public education programs for state, municipalities and waste authorities.
(Sustainable Initiatives Strategic Advisor & Architect) Ms. Gallagher has initiated conceptualization to building of stakeholder consensus to full implementation of award winning programs; such as, the global launch of the first Energy-efficient insulating building technology in the nation taking it worldwide, the social economic justification research & development along with the business plan development and technology analysis resulting in bringing to market on behalf of the innovators a revolutionary sustainable technology fulfilling global environmental mandates to reduce landfills and create jobs by integrating products into a renewable global solution; the nationwide stakeholder consensus involving all layers of government, environmental, nonprofit and business in the implementation of M2020 one of the first sustainable plans in the state of Pennsylvania bringing in jobs and multi-millions in funding. It is used as case study for other sustainable plans and programs. Ms. Gallagher’s network as a sustainable senior strategist is extensive as she works with civilian, military, academia, and private industry officials. She was appointed to the executive committee with other business and political leaders and oversaw the creation of the award winning public education program of one of the first sustainable & economic plan developments in the nation. She has served as the lead in the development of Eco-Park and Recycling programs & rollouts. Her company organized the first Economic Summit in her state and she served as the lead program manager. She served under contract with the U.S. government representing it on one of the most high profile national community information program (CIP), currently she serves as executive lead program officer for the premier World Green Energy Symposium (WGES) and works directly with top officials, corporate executives (presidents of major corporations), institutions of higher learning, renowned researchers, professors, scientists, dignitaries and their offices; including but not limited to, the White House Sustainable Executive & Others, Assistant Secretary of Defense Energy & Sustainability (Pentagon), Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Energy, U.S. Department of Commerce Officers, U.S. Ambassador to China (Secretary Locke) U.S. Department of Trade, U.S General Services Administration Administrators & Officials, U.S. GSA PBS Federal Government Office of Federal High Performance Buildings Executive Officer, U.S. Department of Energy Officials, city officials and state officials.
(HealthCare Initiatives Strategic Advisor & Architect) Ms. Gallagher has initiated conceptualization to building of stakeholder consensus to full implementation of award winning programs and leadership in this industry; such as, for more than fifteen years working as the crisis management, public and community relations advisor for the largest vaccine manufacturer in the world. Representing the U.S. market and working directly with the U.S. Executive Officers; some highlights include, obtaining an $11 million dollar grant from the federal government, state and local officials for their Swiftwater campus expansion, getting support and buy-in from the local, state and national community, re-branding executive team, development of crisis management and other public information and government deliverables, serving as their representative in all community relations, led the campaign with the pharma company and the department of health for the largest donation of smallpox vaccine to our warfighters, worked with the pharma medical community in composing, preparing, training and developing materials for presentation to the FDA on clinical trial, oversight of all community sponsorships as well as community events held on site. Led as Prime Contractor working with Department of Health & Human Services the national immunization campaign -–working with doctors throughout the country and their offices in initiating a one-stop online medical vaccination record for children. Creator of the Award Winning Veterans Wellness campaign under contract by the Veterans Administration, comprised of 30 VA medical centers working as the lead with a committee of fifteen doctors, nurses, nutritionists and other health care professionals as the implementation team. Led as Prime Contractor working with Department of Veteran’s Administration VISN (medical facilities, hospitals) on a re-branding awareness campaign which won the praises of the veterans as well as received a national award. Ms. Gallagher also was appointed and served on the National Disabled Veteran’s Winter’s Sports Games. Ms. Gallagher’s network as a senior strategist is extensive as she works with civilian, military, academia, and private industry officials.
(U.S. Federal Government & Military) Ms. Gallagher has served as a defense and civilian contractor for more than two decades, and is retained as a subject matter expert in the federal space. During her long stance in government contracting, she has won contract awards of more than 25 Million Dollars in value at a time and is the author of the bestselling guide “The Government Contractor’s Resource Guide,” trains both federal employees and contractors, serves as Executive Advisor on numerous programs. In addition, she has served at leadership level advisory positions, including as a lead senior public affairs officer, trainer, & liaison for the United States Department of Defense Program Executive Office (PEO) Pentagon PMSW working with top officials. She works with Generals and other Officials out of the Pentagon and her Firm developed the Strategic Communications Plan (STRATCOM) for DOD. She has been awarded several current initiatives working with the Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD), and is also supporting work on an IDIQ with SAIC in Training for DOD National Defense University. She served as the Team Lead Advisor and Executive Manager on major initiatives for more than 22 federal agencies, as well as states, municipalities and contractors of Fortune 500 & 100 corporations. She has taught at the university level, has an extensive educational industry background with numerous certifications and received more than 100 industry awards.
She is a respected Senior Advisor, Subject Matter Expert, and expert trainer for private industry and government agencies such as DOD/DOE/NIH/HHS among others. Ms. Gallagher’s appointments; unanimously appointed by Congress to serve on the United States General Services Administration Advisory Industry Government Council Steering Committee and Council, she was also appointed by the United States President to serve on the United States Small Business Advisory Council, appointed by the Commissioners to serve on the Executive Steering Committee of M2020, and has served in leadership positions on numerous charitable and business, nonprofits such as; President of the Green Council, Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the United Way, Executive Board Member of the National Board of Women Impacting Public Policy, International Executive Board of the Euro American Women Council, State Board of Directors of the State of Pennsylvania’s 10,000 Friends, DC Chamber of Commerce Economic Development, Advisory Board of the WGES, Advisory Board of the D.C. Archangels, Ambassador at Large for EAWC, a member of the U.S. Navy League and was selected as representative to lead delegation meeting with Congress on Capitol Hill.
She has had a longstanding and illustrious career and is a respected leader in business, civic and government. As such she has been recognized and received numerous honors and recognitions, among them named Top Five Woman-Owned Business in Nation (USA President’s Award), Business Person of the Year (USA SBA), Best 25 Women in Business (PA DCED presented by Lt. Governor of PA) , Rotarian of the Year, International Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellowship Award, The University of Scranton Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year (served as Chairman of the GPCC Chamber of Commerce), United Way Gilford Volunteer of the Year (served as Chairman of United Way Campaign), Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Overall Excellence Awards consecutive years, Women in Communications Sarah Award in Public Relations; the European American Women’s Council and the Greek Government’s “ARTEMIS Award” presented in Athens, Greece and the Leadership Award presented in Congress by Congressional Members at EAWC Forum. She has also received more than 100 Industry Awards & Recognitions including numerous Recognitions & Citations from Congress (House & Senate) for Business and Community Service, Proclamation from Commissioners for Sustainable Public Education of Statewide Award Winning Program. She was the Grand Marshall of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Northeast Pennsylvania of the United States. She is (has been) a member of PCMA, NAGC, WIPP, EAWC, NAWBO, NAFE, DC Chamber of Commerce, GPCC Chamber of Commerce, AMA, IAA, PRSA, MBRT, GMIC and others. She has authored more than 100 published articles and is the author of best sellers, including “The Government Contractor’s Resource Guide” used as training materials in university and by contracting and program officers, as well as How to Succeed in a Testosterone World without Losing Estrogen, designed with training materials to empower women in the work force. Her educational background includes Post Graduate with a 4.0 GPA in Advanced Masters Certificate Project Management Villanova University, and holds numerous certifications and post-graduate certificates in fields such as executive leadership and crisis management; is a Graduate of the Institute of Literature, USDA Graduate School Executive Program, undergraduate Hunter College and attended Harvard Business School executive programs, is a certified coach and is trained in NLP. Ms. Gallagher is a Board Certified Clinical Practitioner (CHT).
More information may be found on her linked in page www.linkedin.com/in/daisygallagher or at the firm’s website http:www.gallagherwordwide.com.