Prior to EAWC, Loula served as the Vice President of the United Hellenic American National Council, which she co-founded with Mr. John Alafoyiannis. The Council’s goal was to build bridges between Greek and American entrepreneurial communities and to advance the cause of women’s rights in the arenas of business and education. The Council has sponsored noumerous White House luncheons of prominent and influential businesswomen throughout the United States and Greece. In addition to her business activities, Loula, widely recognized for her strategic planning and interpersonal skills, has been highly active in public relations, event management, and fundraising activities in the political arena. She has served as an advisor to former U.S Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy (MA) and supports Mr. Kennedy in fundraising and public relations activities for the Greek – American and other minority communities.
In November 1989, as a Board Member of the Finance Committee of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial, Loula promoted the book, Robert F. Kennedy: In His Own Words, in Athens, Greece. In 1991, she founded and organized the Best Buddies Foundation in Greece with Anthony Kennedy Shriver, its Global President and CEO. In 2001, Loula became Coalition Partner (Greece / Europe) of the political organization Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP). In 2000, she served as an ethnic group public relations team leader for Former first Lady and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was also instrumental in planning Ms Clinton ‘s visit to Greece, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Olympic Games. Loula also served as a special speaker at the National Foundation for Women Legislators in New Orleans. In the mid – 80’s she served as a public relations and press spoken person for Greek – Americans for the Democratic Party. In 2002, Loula was instrumental in the production of the two documentaries? Visions of Greece? made on behalf of WLIW21. She was in charge of pinpointing the prominent historical places and tourist attractions for the film.
Top business and government dignitaries have found her to be invaluable resource of support and counsel, including former Governor of New York, Mario Cuomo; U.S. Senators Paul Sarbanes and Hillary Rodham Clinton; U.S. Congresswoman and President and Coo – Founder of the Greek Caucus Committe Carolyn B. Maloney; Deputy Secretary of Education and Culture, Patrisia Harrison and U.S. Congressman Gary Ackermann. WIPP’s Terry Neese; Phyllis Hill Slater, President, Chair of New York State Women Enterprises and member of the Bush – Cheney Transition Team; Jane Applegate, CNN Correspondent; Dr. Shirley Strumkenny, President of the State University of New York at Stony Brook; and Tina Knight, President of Knight Computer Cables, Inc. Loula currently serves as a member of the Human Rights Advisory Council of New York. Other affiliations include, the Daughters of Roumeli non – profit organization, which she co – founded and served as former President and the Hermes Athletic Club of New York. Her notable background and accomplishments have granted her numerous accolades and awards.
In recognition of being one of the most creative minds of leading women entrepreneurs of the world, Loula was awarded IBM’s prestigious Crown Award, which was presented by Ms. Cherie Piebes, Global Market Executive Director for Women Entrepreneurs. She has earned the distinguished Honorary Citizen of Bacu (Azerbaijan Republic) award as a result of her pioneering efforts to provide entrepreunerial training to citizens of the former Soviet Union . For her tireless humanitarian efforts, she has received awards from AMMJE (Association Mexicana de Mujeres Jefas de Empresa), the Village Reform Democratic Club of New York and from Congress for her human rights activities in Cyprus and the former USSR. Loula was also named Woman of the Year by the Boys Club of Queens and was awarded the Teacher of the Year award by the Greek Orthodox Church’s former Archbishop of North and Greek – American publications.
With high sensitivity to suffering people, as she try hard to gain the bet of life, Loula has devoted her life to assisting seriously ill and cancer – affected, especially, low – income children from Greece. Collaborating with various hospitals in New York she helps the children to obtain the best medical care possible and to deal with the human dimensions of their illness as well. Loula holds a degree in Education and served as an elementary school director for two decades in New York. She is fluent in English, Greek and Russian.
Loula is married to John and they have jewels; daughter Rania, son Constantine, son John – Nicolas Jr, grandson Aristotle, grandson Constantine and the crown jewel lovely granddaugher Isabella – Rania.

EAWC Founder and President Loula Loi Alafoyiannis with her very good friend Hillary Clinton

EAWC Founder and President Loula Loi Alafoyiannis with the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney

EAWC Founder and President Loula Loi Alafoyiannis with her very good friend and US President Joe Biden.

EAWC Founder and President Loula Loi Alafoyiannis with her very good friend and US President Joe Biden.